Living a Luxurious Lifestyle On Any Income

Living luxuriously is a common goal shared by most if not all Americans and working people everywhere. Ideally, we want the maximum pay for minimal work, effort, or use of resources. If we can’t have that, we’ll accept being paid to do the things we love and are passionate about as a close second. Every social media outlet to be named is filled with images and quotes full of inspiration and motivation encouraging individuals to pursue their passions and never give up! These admonitions are edifying, however, a common conception about business is that “It takes money to make money.” Is there an actual income benchmark that will guarantee a luxurious life? Is it practical to expect to be able to actually have LuxuriousCredit™ and live a luxurious lifestyle on your current income? After reading this article, you may not find it so far-fetched to believe that one can live quite comfortably and maintain healthy credit with any income, family size, and demographic.

It is said that the average millionaire has seven streams of income. The idea of being a millionaire is naturally very attractive and would almost guarantee the luxury and opulence that so many seem to crave. Nevertheless, there are a great many who do not seem to have an overwhelming yearning to accumulate wealth far beyond what they require to support a comfortable life for themselves and their families. In fact, more often than not, what many people really desire is the liberty that comes with no longer needing to trade time for money. Ultimately, what defines luxury for the majority is to simply reduce the amount of time spent trying to make money.

At the core of the conversation is quality. Having LuxuriousCREDIT™ provides access and resources to improve the quality of our lives and mobilizes us to do the things we want to do most with the people we care for most. Naturally, what is comfortable of one may not be for the other. Family size, geographic location, and cost of living, are just a few factors impacting what it takes to live comfortably. However, what we do all have share is the fact that, unless you were born into wealth, you likely spend your time trying to strike a balance between the time you spend making a living and the time you spend actually living!

Let’s face it, life is expensive! But here are a few suggestions that will hopefully hit home and make you feel more confident about stepping into the luxurious life you’ve always wanted.

  • Purchasing Property: When you’re thinking of buying, plan…plan…plan! There’s no reason to rush into a mortgage or property purchase. If you cannot comfortably handle the down payment, closing costs, and annual taxes don’t sweat it. It may not be time for you to buy. When you do buy, try to make a habit of paying “mortgage and a half”. By that I mean pay one half mortgage payment more than you are required. For example, if your payment is $800, pay $1200 to burn your mortgage early and free up your future income! A little discipline now can lead to a lot more freedom later. 
  • Multiple Streams of Income: Earning a second income to supplement your salary and add a little luxury to your life sounds great. The only question is where and when will I find the time? Most people have a lot more time than they think. We tend to fill up our schedules with unnecessary duties, errands, and chores. If you stop and think about what is truly important this will help you prioritize your schedule and carve out time to earn some additional income. If you have any specialized skills, knowledge, or expertise you may consider occasional contract work. Alternately, you may simply enjoy a fun retail position that come with other added perks like discounts! 
  • Cut your Commute: If you live far from your current job you may want to consider a move. Cutting your commute will increase your quality of life by reducing the stress and anxiety associated with driving in traffic. You will also save on gas and vehicle maintenance.  
  •  Volunteer: This may seem counter intuitive. But, hear me out! Luxury is not just about labels and digits on a paycheck. It is also very much about living your best life and doing the things that make you most happy and fulfilled. While volunteering will not earn you money, it’s a great way to incorporate doing something you enjoy and helping others all at once. Also, the skills you acquire can always be added to your resume and may even give you an advantage for future opportunities.
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